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Virtually impossible to use high pass filter to increase details in 32-bit


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As soon as a raw file is developed to RBG 32 bit (HDR), it becomes virtually impossible to use high pass filter to increase picture details.

High pass filter can easily be used to increase picture details in 16 bits because details are still visible when setting up the live high pass filter. In HDR, very little detail (almost none) show up and the filter is very bright. This seems to be a bug, but even if this isn't one, an option tou counteract this phenomenon would be extremely useful.

See examples:

Picture1: unmodified, undeveloped picture of a cactus

Picture2: the same picture, developed in 16-bit. If you look closely, you can see the detail you are selecting with the high pass at 1px.

Picture3: the same picture, developed in 32-bit. Even if you look very closely, you can only see very limited detail. This makes it very hard to use high pass to sharpen details when in 32-bit.




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  • Staff

Hi @am7,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
Sorry the delay getting back to you. We've been quite busy lately due to the amount of new posts/support tickets generated by the latest releases and the 90 day free trial offer/discounts.
This seems to be working fine for me. The brighter colour of the filter is expected. Can you attach the original image RGB32 (zipped preferably) shown in your screenshot above please (the attached one is RGB8)? Thank you.

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