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Minor: Opening character/paragraph panel on Designer causes crash

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Severity: Minor

Designer v1.9.0.932 on Windows 10

Opening the character of paragraph panel causes Designer to crash. Opening other panels like History does not cause crash. Opening the character and paragraph panels via the toolbar buttons do not cause a crash.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create empty document
2. Click on menu View-->Studio-->Character


Edited by herrkjeldsen
Added severity as the panels can be opened through the toolbar
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  • Staff

Hi herrkjeldsen,

Its sounds like there is some thing up with your user data. I am able to open this without an issue.

Could you do me a favour and go to %appdata%\Affinity\Designer\ and zip up and attach the entirety of the 1.0 folder please? That will allow me to try and reproduce it with your user data and also give me access to the crash report that should have been generated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Staff

Hi herrkjeldsen,

Sorry for the delay in responding - Unfortunately I've not been able to reproduce this even with your AppData. Frustratingly there aren't any crash logs being reproduced either. Is this still crashing for you using 1.9.1?

If you rename the '1.0' folder to '1.0 old' in AppData does it still crash for you?

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