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Batch job adding white border

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Hi I am using affinity photo on my windows computer. I want to resize a bunch of photo’s to same size. I use for this the Batch Job option to resize to 480x480px and it works very well. It does resize bigger photo’s to this size. What I am missing is for photo’s with smaller size adding white border to get 480x480 px. It resize smaller photo’s until the height or the width is 480px and then it stops. So I got a photo of 480X392px. Is it possible to white border automatically to get the 480x480px size?

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Hello @Cengiz87, and welcome to the fprums.

Sounds like you need Document > Resize Canvas. Place the document in the centre (use the nine dots) and specify the desired width and height (you need to unlock the link between these).

You may be able to make this into a macro which you can then use in a Batch Job.


Windows 11, Affinity Photo 2.4.2 Designer 2.4.2 and Publisher 2.4.2 (mainly Photo).

CPU: Intel Core i5 8500 @ 3.00GHz. RAM: 32.0GB  DDR4 @ 1063MHz, Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

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