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essential function missing; paste in place (across artboards)

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Hi Affinity,

The affinity user experience overall is great, but unfortunately some basic functionalities seems to be missing..


for example; to be able to copypaste objects from one artboard to another at the same location. Just as adobes ‘paste in place’. This is super essential for working with multiple variations of an illustration.

Could you please implement, that when copying the selected artboard is registrated, and when pasting this happens to the current artboard? 

if this could be on the roadmap for affinity, that would be great! 

Edited by Fdfd
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Hey @Fdfd, at least on artboards which are the same size, paste in place seems to work for me.  Select content on the source artboard, copy/cut, select the destination artboard in the layers panel, paste.  The content is placed at the same location in the destination artboard as it had in the source artboard.  If you are selecting the destination artboard by clicking somewhere within it, that's going to throw things off.

If you cut and paste between artboards of different sizes, I don't know what you get.

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