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Designer: PDF Passthrough is rasterizing in slices


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Thanks for getting version 1.9 out. I think the new features will be very good.

I am testing out the PDF Passthrough abilities for our newspaper and every time I do the file is rasterized when exported using slices.

It seems to export fine from the export menu, but with slices it rasterizes the file using the same PDF export setting. 

Is there anything that I am missing?

Also, is there a way to get a higher resolution preview out of PDF passthrough?



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Hi Bryce,

I've just had a quick look at this myself and this appears to be exporting out as I would expect it to. I've exported both from File > Export and as a Slice from the Export Persona and they're not getting rasterised.

Are you able to attach a document that this isn't working for you so we can take a look?

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Ok. I did some more testing and attached the file and the link. 

it happens when I use PDF X4 setting for export. If I use PDF for print it does not do rasterize. It also does seem to do the same whether it is the slice or export. I must have had to different settings last night when I thought they were the same. 

Virtual Open House.pdf test.afdesign

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Thanks for the file Bryce,

Unfortunately the behaviour you're seeing is to be expected. 

When using PDF Passthrough you can only passthrough if the version of the PDF you're exporting to is the same version or lower. PDF/X is also the same as well.

In your document the PDF is v1.4, so when exporting to PDF (for Print) that is using v1.7 (and passing through a v1.4 PDF). However when exporting to PDF/X-4 you will need a source PDF of PDF/X-4, PDF/X-3 or earlier. Unfortunately this limitation is due to certain elements not being supported due to different PDF version feature support and therefore would require re-interpreting.

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