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guide visibility switched off when adding new guides


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With guidelines visible, if I drag a new guideline onto my document the "show guides" switch (in the View menu) is turned off and all guides disappear.  Every time I add a guideline I have to toggle "Show Guides" back on (Designer V1.9). Restarting Designer fixes this but it sometimes re-occurs. I've not yet deduced what activities might trigger this condition.

Windows 7 & 10 64-bit, Dual Xeon workstation(s) 64gb RAM, and single i7 laptop 32gb RAM

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Hi AndyQ,

We're aware of an issue where the reverse is happening - With Show Guides disabled, dragging one on will leave it enabled. However I've not been able to replicate the behaviour you're getting so far. When you do find the behaviour happening again would you just be able to grab a screen recording showing the behaviour (with the whole Affinity UI visible). Also what you had done prior to realising this would also help.


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21 hours ago, Sean P said:

We're aware of an issue where the reverse is happening - With Show Guides disabled, dragging one on will leave it enabled. However I've not been able to replicate the behaviour you're getting so far. When you do find the behaviour happening again would you just be able to grab a screen recording showing the behaviour (with the whole Affinity UI visible). Also what you had done prior to realising this would also help.

Hi Sean. I've not had it happen again (the problem was cleared after closing/restarting Designer and hasn't returned). I had 5 documents open in tabs at the time, but that's exactly the same set I've been working on before and since. It's not critical (this is just a personal project; I still use Illustrator for all my commercial work) but if it happens again I'll report it. Cheers, AQ

Windows 7 & 10 64-bit, Dual Xeon workstation(s) 64gb RAM, and single i7 laptop 32gb RAM

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