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Feature Request - Combining Individual Layer Effects From Multiple Objects/Styles

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One thing I have missed for a long time is the ability to copying and pasting individual Layer Effects. What I mean is that I have a set of Layer Effects which I have spent a long time tweaking saved in a Styles Group. And I have another set of Layer Effects which I've also spent a long time tweaking saved in Styles. I wish there was a way of copying some elements from one style and combining it with elements from the other style.

When copying and pasting styles and effects they overwrite other styles and effects already applied to an object. Especially gradient outlines and overlays in the Layer Effects panel are a nightmare. There is no way of copying them as far as I know, and so the only solution is to make new gradients from scratch, which is enormously time consuming. It would be an enormous time saver to be able to copy, say an outline gradient from one object and an overlay gradient from another object - and of course other effects as well - on an individual, effect by effect basis.

I envision an "effects palette", where you could pick for example the 3D effect settings from one object, the overlay gradient settings from a second object and the outline effects from a third object, apply them all to the object you're working on, and when you're happy with the result, maybe even be able to save the settings of this "palette" as a new style or as an "effects palette preset", where the individual settings can be tweaked further, enabled, disabled and combined with new effects picked from other objects and/or styles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another idea on this: Perhaps only apply the effects that are active in any given 'style'.

So, if you have a saved Drop Shadow Style and you apply it to a layer that already has a Gradient Overlay Style, it only adds the Drop Shadow and does not affect the already present Gradient Overlay.

The new 'combined' style would simply be activating the Drop Shadow with those settings.

I just purchased Designer today, and already this is driving me crazy.

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