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gaps of information missing from my exported work


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There are gaps of information missing from my exported work. This is of course making the work I am doing unusable. I was able to replicate this issue across 2 photos on png and jpg. I would like to know what to do to resolve this issue.

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Bug is reproducible

Bug happens in multiple document

Device name    DESKTOP-VFH01TO
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz   1.50 GHz
Installed RAM    12.0 GB (11.8 GB usable)
Device ID    ECA60ED5-587D-47B8-A001-FFE17AE2A75F
Product ID    00325-96678-45248-AAOEM
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    Pen and touch support with 10 touch points

Windows 10 is my OS

I expected a clean exported png and got back gaps of missing information in the photo.

1. Import Photo     2. applied gaussian blur live filter     3. applied motion blur live filter    4. applied high pass live filter 5. Resized and resampled document size. 6. Export to png, jpeg, or tiff

I have done this on other photo's and gotten beautiful results. I'm not sure what's changed.


Edited by Meris
forgot the last step
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52 minutes ago, Chris B said:


Can you try disabling OpenCL from Preferences > Performance and see if it still happens?

I did this and it has resolved the issue on both merge visible and export as a png, jpeg or tiff. Out of curiosity, what is the mechanic behind that?

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