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Lamborghini Urus - Vector ( WORKING )


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Hey ! I’m a newbiee and i got inspired from this guy @VectorVonDoom his Porsche 917 car illustration was beyond god like i didn’t believe that was a vector until i saw his .afdesign file ..coz it was so perfect to be a vector and at first i thought it was a photo. After opening his .afdesign file i was like WTfF 🤯🤯🔥 and man tnx for inspiring me and i hope i dont lose interest and will complete  this lambo series 😅😂 !!!

Device : iPad Pro 10.5 (2017) )

Software : Affinity Designer






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Looking good. If by cheatsheet you mean drawing shortcuts then there really isn't much. But I wrote this, something in there might be of use.

I sometimes work on a body panel at at time especially if the shading and reflections are complicated but with this you can't really see them. It looks like you are breaking it down as much as you can. I do it the other way around, the details then the body (the details are more interesting) but it doesn't make any difference.

I export with the photo in colour then you can see how well everything is blending in. Sometimes you decide you need to refine something or adjust a gradient a bit. With b&w it's more tricky. But you must have the colour version there too so perhaps you are doing that.

It is always slow work so don't worry.

Just looked at the file and you might want to put a tiny bit of blur over the whole thing. So group it all and add it to that group. If you don't it will look like it is cutout, edges never look perfectly sharp. Perhaps .1 or .2 pixel on that size, you'll have to see.

Being picky but add some shadow to the yellow part under the bonnet as in the photo.

Screenshot 2021-02-11 at 02.39.11.png




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@VectorVonDoom Thanks a lot for looking into my file and suggesting these changes ..now i applied blur to those objects that looked so sharp..my bad 😅 and also i saved your pdf Photorealistic Thoughts and Tips.pdf 679.18 kB · 132 downloads ) and im gonna read that..i think i need to learn a lot. Once again thanks for helping me improve..!! 😇🙏🏻

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