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Pathfinder/Boolean issues and artefacts

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Hey ! 
first of all a huge thanks to the whole team bringing such powerful tools to us :)

i noticed some issues with the pathfinder set:
in some (a lot) of situations, successive pathfinder bring some weird and useless geometry.

it's as if pathfinder tools were not that accurate 😬

i attached some pictures of a simple way to replicate those:

1- drawing a few overlapping circles

2- dividing the whole thing a once

3- using addition to reunite the whole thing

now, this is just a way to illustrate this issue, but it occurs in most of my boolean operations... making shape building long and complicated, and sometimes impossible

By the way... i'd love to see -as many- some kind of a "shape-builder" tool to make my workflow as fast and convenient as Illustrator... or at least some official answer about it coming or not :) it's not the point here, but it's pretty much necessary for logomaking nowadays ! me and many other can't recommend, switch or stick to Affinity because of it ! too bad since some much Affinity designer, photo, and publisher features are so great !


Nemo (FR)


EDIT: reordered image files



Edited by NemoThom
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