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dividing line segments

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Hi all - how does one divide a line segment or curve, or many line segments/curves, to create multiple evenly-spaced nodes along the that segment(s)? I've been looking for some kind of divide command (there's something called "Divide" but seems to perform a different task) - either something that places a vertex in the centre of a segment (so you can do this multiple times for multiple divisions of two) or that asks how many points you want to add. - cheers, AQ

Windows 7 & 10 64-bit, Dual Xeon workstation(s) 64gb RAM, and single i7 laptop 32gb RAM

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  • 1 month later...

This is disappointing. I've just read five years of posts about this.

This might be my most desired feature, just basic node functions, like I've been using for thirty years. I need to double my node count, click, done. click done. put a node halfway between this one and the next. click. done. click. done.

why do do that just draw a circle the size of the segment and use it's center as a snap candidate!

hey, that should be coming in 1.6

Ok, sorry, I'm working myself up. But aargh!


Meanwhile in 2026…




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