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[AD] How to avoid loss of inside bevels when shape stroke is widened?

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I don't think I can describe it in any further detail than the title. First image is of the stroke being too small for my desired effect, second image is of the stroke being widened to my desired size, but the inside bevel is no longer present. Are there any recommendations on how to correct this?

Thank you in advance




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I think I have found a solution, but if anyone has something better/quicker I will still take it.

With only one stroke on the shape, I went to Layers>Expand Stroke. Then went curve tool and clicked on the nodes created on the inside corners and set them to the same diameter.

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As far as I understand it, the outside and inside radii of the corners are calculated proportionally to the width of the stroke.
Therefore, when the width of the stroke equals, or exceeds, double the radius of the corner – if the stroke is aligned to the Centre of the curve – the inside radius then becomes zero. This is to be expected as otherwise it would have to become a negative value somehow. Similarly, when the stroke is aligned to the Inside of the curve the inside radius will become zero when the thickness of the stroke equals, or exceeds, the radius of the corner.

I don’t think there is a way to stop the software doing this as doing so would break the way it works normally.
Expanding the stoke, as you have done, is one way round it but if you then increase the size of the inside corners you should expect that the curve then doesn’t conform to how ‘bending the curve’ would happen in real life – the thickness around the bend becomes greater than the thickness of the rest of the curve and could look strange.

However, as you seem to have the stroke aligned to the Inside of the curve, aligning the stroke to the Centre or Outside of the curve will give you more ‘elbowroom’ but you will have a slightly different overall shape.

Has this helped?

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