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Using texture(asset) in part of image only

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I just started using Affinity (never used any photo editing before) and I am fixating on something I want to  do.

I want to use an asset on only one part of a picture as shown on the picture attached. If we take this example, It means the mountains would stay the same but the river would be a different "texture" (sorry for the vocabulary). I've no idea how to do that. Sorry if this question's already been asked but if someone could refer me to a tutorial/video etc that'd be awesome.

Thank you.



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Welcome to the forums @micronworld
I think you might need to give us more information about what you want to do.
For example:

  • “I want to use an asset” sounds both vague and specific (regarding Affinity applications) at the same time;
  • “on only one part of a picture” really depends on what you mean by “part” – e.g. area, selection, colour, etc;
  • “mountains would stay the same” might need a definition of what you mean by “mountains” and where the image stops being “mountains” – e.g. are the rocks at the base of the dark stuff at the back of the image part of the mountains, and/or are the rocks at the bottom-right part of the mountains, and what about over to the top-right?
  • “river would be a different texture” is very vague and many people will have a different idea about what you mean by “texture”.

Do you have an example – by someone else – that you are trying to replicate? If so, and that example is publicly available on the web, then you could give us a link to it so we can see what you mean.
I realise that it can be difficult to explain what you mean – especially if you don’t know the right words – but it can be just as difficult for us to know what you want when we can’t see what you are imagining.
The more information you can give the better we can help.

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