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File crashes on startup in Publisher


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Hi! I was trying to add something to a master page of mine (an overflow connection between two text fields) and somehow, this caused my file to crash. Sadly, I managed to save the file before it crashed, and now it won't open at all. As a result, I have two questions:

  1. Is there any way to fix this problem, so that I can open my file again, or will I have to rewrite the whole thing?
  2. What could cause the crash in the first place? I would love to have that overflow arrow between the fields eventually, and would rather not have this kind of problem again. 

File has been attached. Thanks in advance!


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Hi Umbra

this question is best posted in the bugs section. Which operating system are you using I can move this to that section for you once I know :)



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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