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Programm stops and exit every time

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Every time I wanted to use Affinity Photo the programm stopped after some time. As if someone pushed the exit button. All I edited gone and even the preferences sRGB to Adobe RGB.

I have the programm three times de- and reinstalled. After that downloaded anew and installed but the problem stays. This is useless.

Yet I became an offer 90 days trial. Downloaded, installed, opened a RAW file and at the first move exit. Started anew and the programm freezed.

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I have stopped trying Affinity Photo. Every time after some editing the program exit itself. After restart all editing work has gone. I have the program uninstalled and reinstalled but the problem stays. Yet I see that I have 6 days and not 3 month left to use the the period to try. Let it be, no Affinity Photo for me.

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