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How to highlight multiple layers when recording a macro?

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I was trying to record my first macro by following one of the numerous excellent tutorials available.  I got to a part where I had to select 2 layers, and was unable to while recording the macro.  I dialog box popped up and asked me which layer I wanted to select.  But then it only selected that one.

Is it possible to select multiple layers while recording a macro?


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Well the whole macro recording implementation is sadly pretty crappy here.

During a running macro recording you can't select multiple specific layers, you can select all or just single individual ones. You would have to stop macro recording, select additional layers and then restart macro recording. But even then it will not handle all selected layers equally (try a transformation with 2 or three selected layers at once). Further it even can't record color fill changes in v.1.8.4 here during recording.

I once initially had some hope for the macro recording stuff, but over time I quickly realized that it is pretty limited in it's overall capabilities and crappy implemented. - To sum up, nowadays I'm more disappointed than anything else with that macro implementation and don't use it anymore.

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42 minutes ago, v_kyr said:

Well the whole macro recording implementation is sadly pretty crappy here.

During a running macro recording you can't select multiple specific layers, you can select all or just single individual ones. You would have to stop macro recording, select additional layers and then restart macro recording. But even then it will not handle all selected layers equally (try a transformation with 2 or three selected layers at once). Further it even can't record color fill changes in v.1.8.4 here during recording.

I once initially had some hope for the macro recording stuff, but over time I quickly realized that it is pretty limited in it's overall capabilities and crappy implemented. - To sum up, nowadays I'm more disappointed than anything else with that macro implementation and don't use it anymore.

Thanks, I just documented the tutorial the old fashioned way.  :)


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