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Hebrew text/font not handled in AFPub

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If I use Hebrew text in Hebrew Font in AFPub it doesn't handle them correctly.  Hebrew is read from RH to LH not LH to RH.  When I put the Hebrew in the correct order of the characters from RH to LH it turns them round.  So if the Hebrew is     CBA (correct) it turns it into ABC !!  I tend to use the standard Times Roman Font found in Windows 10 provided by MS.  This contains the Hebrew consants and vowels.  MS Word handles this correctly and doesn't turn it the wrong way round.   Serif Page Plus didn't handle it correctly.  But as AF Pub is now aimed at being a top end DTP package I am surprised it doesn't handle Hebrew correctly  I think it woul have the same problem with Arabic languages.  The characters of the Font as far as I know conform to a standard numeric value.   Any ideas whether AF might solve this. 

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If you had done a search in the forums for "RTL Languages" you would have found numerous posts asking for this facility.  Yet another thread with the request is really rather superfluous, in my opinion. 😉

I believe Serif have indicated that this facility will be added at some time in the future.


Win 10 Pro, i7 6700K, 32Gb RAM, NVidia GTX1660 Ti and Intel HD530 Graphics

Long-time user of Serif products, chiefly PagePlus and PhotoPlus, but also WebPlus, CraftArtistProfessional and DrawPlus.  Delighted to be using Affinity Designer, Photo, and now Publisher, version 1 and now version 2.

iPad Pro (12.9") (iOS 17.4) running Affinity Photo and Designer version 1 and all three version 2 apps.

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Hi @grahamm7,

Never tried this one, but this seems to work:


What software will Right to Left Fixer work with?
Right-to-left writing support can now be achieved with many software that don’t support right to left writing.
Some of the supported and tested apps are:

– Affinity Designer
– Affinity Photo
– Affinity Publisher
– iStudio Publisher
– Adobe Photoshop
– Adobe Illustrator
– Adobe Indesign
– Xara Designer
– And much more



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2 hours ago, grahamm7 said:

Any ideas whether AF might solve this. 

In a nutshell No, notepad does this perfectly, then take a screenshot, if you are desperate.  If you occaisionally type single sentences as I do, then I just type right aligned and backwards, it's quite straightforward really.  However, if you do a lot of typing then may I suggest this website, especially designed as a solution for Arabic and Hebrew for the Affinity suite.  https://rtlfixer.com/videos/

Microsoft - Like entering your home and opening the stainless steel kitchen door, with a Popup: 'Do you really want to open this door'? Then looking for the dishwasher and finding it stored in the living room where you have to download a water supply from the app store, then you have to buy microsoft compliant soap, remove the carpet only to be told that it is glued to the floor.. Don't forget to make multiple copies of your front door key and post them to all who demand access to all the doors inside your home including the windows and outside shed.

Apple - Like entering your home and opening the oak framed Kitchen door and finding the dishwasher right in front you ready to be switched on, soap supplied, and water that comes through a water softener.  Ah the front door key is yours and it only needs to open the front door.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to bump into this... but do guys aware of RTL Fixer?

It is the best solution for writing in right-to-left languages on software that doesn’t support it.
(like Affinity Designer, Photo and Publisher).

The app is now extremely feature rich and supports pretty much all right-to-left languages, Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, Hebrew and more.

If you want more information:

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