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Stroke size enter issue


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i have a n unexpected behavior with stroke (and font) sizes when they do not match the document setup in dimensions. Example below: Having a Setup using px but the stroke set to pt (via preferences) the entered value seems to be converted which is hard to understand. Changing the stroke dimension to px works expected, changing the doc to pt afterwards (the inverse setup as in the video) it fails again. 
anyone else seeing this issue?

done in designer 186 on iPad 

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Hi @max3.2 

This is by design. Most designers prefer to work with Text and Lines using points, however this isn't great for everyone as you know. Therefore if you go into Preferences > Interface and disable 'Show lines in points' that will then allow strokes/lines to appear using your document unit value. This can also be done with Text using 'Show text in points' but there is a few issues with this that we are aware of.

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