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Is there a way to get the exact measurement distance between two nodes on the object in Affinity Designer? Not width not height.

In this example the triangle have a rotation.

attached the capture.


Captura de Pantalla 2020-12-13 a la(s) 1.10.39.png

Edited by gusdavila
In the sense of the nodes
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1 hour ago, gusdavila said:

Is there a way to get the exact measurement distance between two nodes on the object in Affinity Designer? Not width not height.

Just make sure that if or when you place a rounded, curve point and you want a straight line, just click on the curve node to get a corner node and go in a straight line and the distance will appear.  If you want to measure a line that you have already drawn then I would just create a new independent line along the same parallel as the line you have drawn and watch that measurement, then simply delete it.  This is how I do it.  Also if you create a rounded node, hold the CTRL key down and pull even the rounded node and it will give you the distance also.


Microsoft - Like entering your home and opening the stainless steel kitchen door, with a Popup: 'Do you really want to open this door'? Then looking for the dishwasher and finding it stored in the living room where you have to download a water supply from the app store, then you have to buy microsoft compliant soap, remove the carpet only to be told that it is glued to the floor.. Don't forget to make multiple copies of your front door key and post them to all who demand access to all the doors inside your home including the windows and outside shed.

Apple - Like entering your home and opening the oak framed Kitchen door and finding the dishwasher right in front you ready to be switched on, soap supplied, and water that comes through a water softener.  Ah the front door key is yours and it only needs to open the front door.

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