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Data Merge only import first two letters -

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As said in the title, Publisher only imports the first two letters of each column from a CSV-File. Tried with , and ; as separator, made no difference.
I can send the CSV-File by PM or an link to it, I can't upload it as it contains some sensitive data not meant for public.


Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-02 um 12.30.48.png

Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-02 um 12.41.05.png

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Well, it seems it works now.

I copied the content of the CSV file to another Texteditor and resaved it there, now its working, though the files both look the same when opening in Excel.
Don't know why, seems like the other one made some stupid things with the codepage of the file...

If you still want to check out the CSV file, just drop me a message.



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An Excel or OpenOffice .xlsx sheet works fine. The .csv exports are often capricious!

Pay attention to the codification. I used a .csv sheet that worked with InDesign and not here. Ironed in .xlsx with OpenOffice and AffinityPublisher takes it perfectly.

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