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Fonts not loading properly when opening an Affinity document

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Whenever I go to open up an Affinity document which another colleague has created, unfortunately all of the fonts do not automatically load in. To resolve this we have had to manually select the font for each section of text on every Artboard (please see attachment). This has become quite time confusing in order to do for each document now and I was wondering whether this was a bug or there's an easier way to resolve this perhaps? Any help would be much appreciated.

Just to note, each of the fonts we use have already been installed, and we work on Macbooks.

Thank you in advance,

Kind Regards,


Screenshot 2020-12-02 at 10.29.54.png

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Hi chrisjk123,

Unfortunately without a copy of the file there isn't much we can investigate. However looking at your screenshot its reporting that it cannot find the Open Sans font. It sounds as though your machines may have slightly different versions of Open Sans, which have some differences in it which are causing it to not get recognised as the same font.

Have you tried copying the fonts from the working machine and removing and then reinstalling the copied fonts to the machine that wasn't working? It might be worth getting the latest version of Open Sans from Google Fonts and ensure all your machines are running the same version.

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