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Edges get transparent when applying gaussian blur

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Dear Affinity experts,

frequently I encounter an issue:

I make a selection that reaches the edge(s) of the image

Then I soften the edges of the selection

Then I apply an adjustment layer for gaussian blur.

Unfortunately the edges of the image where the selection was, get transparent.

How can I fix or work around this?

I attached a screenshot. In this case I intended to use the blur in order to remove strong noise in the sky. (Unfortunately the "remove noise" filter didn't work for this image as the noise was too course).

Best regards and have a nice pre-Christmas period




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You’re welcome.
Sometimes setting “Preserve Alpha” does things that may not be expected so it’s not a catch-all solution.
I don’t know what the rules are for this but it’s easy enough to spot when things go strange.
For example, my attached image shows various ways the Twirl Live Filter can affect an image (second image from the left has “Preserve Alpha” ON).

Screenshot 2020-11-28 124939.png

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