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I have been using AF for some time now and very recently upgraded to 1.86 when I upgraded to BigSur on Mac.
However, since then I started to experience several problems the most notable of which was when refining a subject for creating a new layer. 
The refining part kept dropping out all the time.
In order to try and resolve this problem I downloaded a trial version 1.86 and the software worked again.
I also had a lot of trouble quitting the original programme and very often had to force quit.
Have already paid for the full version I naturally do not wish to re purchase again.
The software 'may have' corrupted during upgrade.

Is it possible for me to have a link to reload the software please.

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  • Staff

Hi Mariner,

You can redownload the software from where you purchased it at any time you don't need a new link from us. Please could you provide a screen recording of the problems you are facing?



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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54 minutes ago, Callum said:

Hi Mariner,

You can redownload the software from where you purchased it at any time you don't need a new link from us. Please could you provide a screen recording of the problems you are facing?



Many thanks your reply.

I decided to delete the App and reload it. Everything then worked again. Obviously a corruption somewhere.

Thanks again

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