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Suggestion: Pixel tool being able to erase.

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This is just a simple suggestion, but one that would be amazing to be made real. I would really love it if I could erase using the Pixel tool. Right now I am drawing some pixel art and every time when I want to remove something I have to color it the same color as the background, which is very annoying and ineffective. Definitely when I have to move something...  I have thought about using the eraser tool set on 1px, but that still doesn't work as it should. 

Now, here is more specifically what I would love to see changed: Make it so that when the 'colorless color' (the white/gray with the red line trough it) is selected, that it will act as an eraser instead. This could then work for not only the pixel tool but the brushes too, tho, the pixel tool is what really matters. I am actually a bit surprised this is not how the colorless color functions in the first place, because it would sound logical to me.

Thank you for reading, I really hope this can be added! And if you are just a user/member, then maybe share your opinion about this pixel erasing.


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48 minutes ago, haakoo said:

Read the statusbar in the bottom part of the UI
ctrl+drag to erase

Oh, thank you! I must have missed that one then. Still, I think the colorless color functioning as an eraser (the opposite of a color, sort of?) would be a good idea. Anyone having thoughts about that?

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