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Layers not marked

so what

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Mac Big Sur, AD 1.8.6

Hello, since the upgrade I loose the panel layer marking at certain steps. 

I work on one level. In between I click at another layer so that its objects are not shown anymore. Result: my working layer is no longer marked in the panel. Nor can I just click on the icon in the panel to highlight it again. Not a major problem, but irritating if you work with many layers.

Please check the screenshot  if I could not make clear what I mean.



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H Gabe, thx, no problem.

I can still work on the layer. But if I need it highlighted again I do have to select a different layer and then go back.This is the point where it becomes cumbersome, especially when 
I have many layers and they are not yet labeled. Then I have to go to the top "Bearbeiten" and "Rückgängig: Aktuelle Auswahl".

Bildschirmfoto 2020-11-20 um 14.20.08.png

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