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Final smoothing of curves ...

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I'm a fairly new user, but getting the hang of AD.

I used to use Macromedia Freehand and then Inkscape.

Things I miss ...

Of course the trace.  I found a standalone trace program, Potrace.  Then find out that is what Inkscape uses!

I am learning to use the pen more.  It is getting easier to draw things.

I miss Simplify.  I have found that the fewer nodes are better to create graceful curves.  At least in my experience.

Performing Smooth curves in AD just adds more nodes.  I end up removing a lot of nodes.

I am looking for tips, ideas, tutorials, etc., to do the final smoothing out of curves.  One can spend a lot of time twiddling with nodes and handles trying to get it right.

I converted most nodes to Smart, but I still need to work with the curve.  I wish there was a command to make both handles line up equally on the curve.  Maybe there is and I just don't get it.

Anyway, tell me what works for you and thanks for listening ...



Windows 10


Windows 10           Affinity Designer:

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