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Colour editing suggestions...

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I know it's a colour-grading application for video, but I reckon a lot could be learned from Davinci Resolve in regards to still-image colour grading. I've been doing a fair bit of colouring work on video clips and I wish even a few of Resolve's features for selecting and adjusting ranges of colours and regions of images where available in a photo editor. 

Windows 7 & 10 64-bit, Dual Xeon workstation(s) 64gb RAM, and single i7 laptop 32gb RAM

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Capture One comes closest of the things I've tried, though that is technically a RAW developer rather than a photo editor.

If you are really desperate and have the Studio version of Resolve, you could always create a timeline matched to the resolution of your photo, place the photo on the timeline as a clip, grade it on the Color tab, then export a "frame" of the clip as a new still image...

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