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Crash after expand stroke

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Wow, first crash I've had in ages.  I had just done an Expand Stroke then clicked on divide and AD was instantly gone.  Attached is the crash report.  AD beta on a mac running Sierra in separate mode.

FYI when I reopened the beta I wasn't offered to open the recovery file.  A blank canvas was what I got, then when I told it to open the last saved it then offered the recovery file.  I don't know if the offer was just slow or if it wasn't triggered until I tried to open the last saved.

When I redid the expand stroke and divide it crashed again.  I tried to upload my .afdesign file but after it did I got an error message saying -200, twice.

Crash 11-9-20.txt  Crash 11-9-20 second.txt

iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) with macOS Sierra

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5 crashes in a row.  I copied the layer I had been using into a new file and it crashed.  Attached is a copy of that minimalistic .afdesign file.  In case you want to try it.  The original shape contained in this file was created by doing an Expand Stroke, a divide and a few Add's of pieces from the divide and some pen drawn shapes to connect them.  The funny cut into the expanded stroke was an erroneous result of the Expand Stroke.  But I only needed the inside portion of the expanded stroke so I wasn't worried. 

I just did a Separate Curves of this shape in the attached file and everything seemed to work out correctly.



iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) with macOS Sierra

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Thanks for the file - I can reproduce the crash just by using Divide on the shape in the attached file. I'll pass it on to development as it does look to be a regression (doesn't crash in 1.8 when I paste the shape). Interestingly it does look like the same crash as the Contour Tool crash as well!

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