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I want yo upload a new product to my website.  It is photos in a floating frame.  I want the area between the photo and the frame to be clear to imitate glass.  I have tried erasing background but it saves with a white background area.  Is there a way to make the area clear or am I trying to do the impossible?

Thanks for your help

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It might be nice if the help included a small table (maybe an appendix) which told users what sort of features they can expect (or are not possible) when exporting to different image types. There is some information on the Export Options page but it could be made easier to read.

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9 minutes ago, GarryP said:

if the help included a small table (maybe an appendix)

Such a table would not be directly related to Affinity and could therefore go beyond the Affinity help concept. Note in particular for the PDF file type and its various versions such a table might require several pages to be entirely unambiguous. – For image file format features there can be found various descriptions, details and views, for example:


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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I don’t think the table needs to have as much information as the page in your link (which I have bookmarked, thanks), as that might be confusing, but I think it should offer some basic information for beginners, including any notes relating to Affinity-specific issues which people might need to be aware of.

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