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Pasting PNGs Used To Work - No more...

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Before anyone says so, yes. I understand that copy and pasting transparent PNGs on Mac works perfectly, and not so on Windows. However, while I could never paste PNGs into Photoshop without getting that black background problem, after getting Affinity Designer, I suddenly could paste PNGs and get the same result as on Mac. And I was ECSTATIC! It's why I upgraded from the free trial in the first place.

Yesterday, Windows insisted that I run the Windows update that I had been putting off for a while. And after the update was over, pasting PNGs from the browser resulted in the transparent parts being replaced with black.

This wasn't happening two days ago. And I hate that it's happening now. Please help!

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Hi @akaDuffy,

Welcome to the forums :)

8 hours ago, akaDuffy said:

Yesterday, Windows insisted that I run the Windows update that I had been putting off for a while. And after the update was over, pasting PNGs from the browser resulted in the transparent parts being replaced with black.

As far as I know, the Windows update should not have affected this - but I suppose it's possible with the latest changes to Windows Clipboard Management.

Can you please provide a link to the image you're copy and pasting into Affinity, that brings in a black background?

Can you also please confirm, what web browser are you using on Windows?

Many thanks in advance!

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