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I am a happy user of AP. The only thing not allowing me to stop using Photoshop is the plugin functionality. Is there any information when we can expect plugins to work, at least Nik collection, Topaz and Macphun. For me some of the Topaz plugin works but only once if I try them twice they will crash, also for the NIK some work some do not (and there seems to be a color difference from what I see within the plugin and the result being sent in to AP). I wish for on1 plugins but that may be more difficult if I understand correctly, but on a positive note the claim on their blog the they do not work with AP at the moment - maybe that will change.


Bottom line, does anyone now the status of plugin support?

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  • Staff

Hi Johalenn,
We are aware that plug-ins are an important part of user's workflow and we are currently working on it to improve this situation.
Unfortunately it's not as trivial to solve as it may look. There's other limitations involved besides direct support from plug-in developers, like the Mac App Store sandboxing requirements.

As soon as there's news/improvements regarding this we will post them here on the forums.

Please bear with us while we work to get there.

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  • Staff

Hi yoz-y, 00ghz,

There's already several threads discussing scripting. Please use this one here (or other you prefer with the same subject) to avoid hacking this thread.

Regarding your question, there will be a Macro Persona to create/record actions/macros in Affinity Photo, but as far as i know there's no plans for a scripting API at this point.

We are focused on implementing what's defined in our roadmap first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi yoz-y, 00ghz,

There's already several threads discussing scripting. Please use this one here (or other you prefer with the same subject) to avoid hacking this thread.

Regarding your question, there will be a Macro Persona to create/record actions/macros in Affinity Photo, but as far as i know there's no plans for a scripting API at this point.

We are focused on implementing what's defined in our roadmap first.

Link is broken :huh:  

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I just watched a webinar from on1 regarding their new version of their photo suite now called Photo 10. They say there that it will now run under plugins in photoshop (and not need automate) and they even mention that this may allow it to work in Affinity Photo. This would great since the On1 plugin is the only reason I still have to use Photoshop (hand a lot of preset etc there that I am not to happy to redo in another plugin). I am really hoping for this........

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