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Hello there,

I have a problem with rounding corners inside the shape.

Here are steps to recreate this bug.

-Draw the hexagon  or any shape.

-Select Contour tool

-Select contour fill - (Open fill)

- Increase the gap inside to desirable size.

 then bake apperance.

After this, select corner tool from the toolbar  and  try to round all corners.

In my case I can do this on 1, 2 corners depends  what shape I currently use.

The tool doesnt respond at all .


Best Regards



contour tool problem.jpg


Welcome to the Affinity forums :)

The problem is the paths produced by the current Contour Tool; they can have coincident nodes and/or smooth nodes where there should be sharp nodes. These paths tend to render OK, but they can be problematic for subsequent operations after being baked to user-accessible objects, as you've discovered. Corner Tool does not operate on smooth nodes, and it cannot create a corner at coincident nodes because there is no distance between these nodes. Hopefully, Contour Tool will be improved very soon.

  • Staff

Hi VisualRevolt,

Thanks for letting us know. I've passed this over to development to take a look into and see if they can make some improvements to it!

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