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Feature Request: Export all snapshots with different artboarts in one go

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I need to be able to export all snapshots i create in one go, i create snapshot in making a themed document, and dont want multiple document to not create a mess, need a way to export all of it in one go instead of one by one in all artboart. The file is one of many documents i have attached below to get a preview of my workflow. Please open the snapshot panel to preview, i need a way to batch output all of them since snapshot is one great feature we have, and i need snapshot to not remove layers rather hide them when i change or add more images or texts when going backward or forward. Thanks.


Edited by Tufail117
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It sounds like you should be using Affinity Designer instead of Affinity Photo and using artboards instead of snapshots.  Snapshots are not intended to be used the way that you are describing, but that is actually the primary purpose of artboards (which are not available in Photo).

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Its a piece of Software and i shared how i am using and what would be useful (for me at least) as this feature is already available in photoshop 2020 to batch export all layers, snapshots and what not, the software can work over time to get itself somework done or do we want to switch to photoshop instead for multiple tasks, not just make one file on one program and to do something get another, its not a dedicated place like photoshop and illustrator where you have complete set of different tools and work flow, heck if i wanted to batch process work such as make multiple id cards, i cant get it done without some manual work. unlike in photoshop or illustrator where we have CSV reading and batch export. it would help if i can batch work tasks or at least export images fast in one click other than pressing keyboard or switching personas for multiartboard.

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