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Vertical justification (complete height) with text wrap objects gives weird results

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That's indeed a pity, text set to "Justify vertically" + active text frame property "Balance text in columns" usually forces quite charming all text lines of a frame being divided equally between columns but appears to be confused by a text wrapping object if this affects not all of the frame's columns.

Besides Text Wrap also a not wrapped but Pinned object causes this confusion and results in non-equal line spacing + non-balanced number of lines in different columns, even if the vertical justification appears to work.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Consider you might expect partially conflicting adjustments done automatically. For instance the Space After Paragraph setting influences the entire alignment, e.g. in your last screenshot you see on the left column one space after while the right shows two. But even removing paragraph brakes by double line breaks doesn't avoid the issue. – Perhaps you would get closer with a "Justify All" setting if all custom defined distances would be integer multiples of a smallest common value to avoid forced fractions of that value. This might include...

• text frame height
• font size
• paragraph spacing
• space before/after
• image height
• wrapping distance

To me it seems the easiest approximation of all lines to be vertically aligned with a balanced line spacing + number of lines can be achieved with a quick workaround of...
1.) All text set to Top Align within the frame   +   2.) Manually adjusted Paragraph Spacing:

However, even if custom paragraph spacing may help for a look desired by the OP, there is still – entirely regardless of text wrap objects – the combination of "Justify All" + "Balance text in columns" which appears buggy.

To illustrate this I first start in the video with an extreme situation (low line spacing) to make it more clear what maybe expected vs. achieved. As a rather 'normal' situation also look at 0:40 sec where "Balance..." got unticked but "Justify All" only causes an unexpected, strange result (note: the text is 1 paragraph only & no Flow Option is ticked).





macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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@thomaso It must be a bug, you see it in the video in my first post. Really weird behavior. The leading jumping and gaps make no sense, because there is enough space for the given text, but it is overflowing to the next page.

The "last screenshot" you are referring to: Here again, there is much more text overflowing to the next page. The screenshot before showing the first step. It makes no sense that, when i make more space available less text is shown and stretch out much more.

I added a screenshot out of InDesign wich does the job perfectly fine.

Sorry, for my probably bad english, I hope you could understand. :)

Bildschirmfoto 2020-10-12 um 17.32.53.png

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1 hour ago, MoM-digital said:

@thomaso It must be a bug, (...)

I added a screenshot out of InDesign wich does the job perfectly fine.

I agree there is an issue in APub with vertical alignment "Justify All", my second video was meant to illustrate this in particular, where it occurs regardless of a text wrap object + regardless of having "Balance..." activated. Obviously APub distributes text differently in various columns , especially in the last column – and I can't detect how APub decides these column breaks = the maximum leading for "Justify All". Though there are "Flow Options" which allow to avoid a break I apparently can't force a break (unless typing one, which of course would interrupt the auto-flow feature of "Justify All").

I also tried the paragraph leading option "At Least" but it doesn't appear to make a difference. Unfortuntely the Help seems neither to mention "Justify All" nor "At Least" in particular, so it's hard to tell what this features are meant to do exactly, and what should not work or might be a bug.


One reason for these unexpected leadings might be that APub lacks in an option which is offered in your ID example: A setting for the maximum distance between paragraphs:


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Oh sorry, you're right, I hadn't noticed it before. So my last assumption was wrong, as this field, with its default setting of 0, does not affect line spacing. Although increasing this value does increase the space before/after and therefore decrease the leading within paragraphs this property does not solve the issue of the weird distribution of line spacing across columns (or linked text frames) when they are expected to be evenly distributed. - Yes, developers read here too.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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