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Install problems on windows computer

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Hi @westlin,

Welcome to the forums and I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble!

I'm going to need a copy of your installer log to see what's happening here. Please open Windows Run (Windows Key + R) then paste the following string and press OK:


In the window that opens, please select the most recently created folder, then upload SetupUI.log to your reply here.
Many thanks in advance!

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Opstart: 06-10-2020 15:37:56
+ OS-version: 10.0.19041
+ Produktnavn : Foto
+ Produkttype: Retail
+ Åbning HKLM ...
+ OK
+ Åbningsregistreringsnøgle: 'SOFTWARE \ Serif \ Affinity \ Photo \ 1 '...
+ OK
+ Læsning af registreringsdata ...
+ Fotoinstallationssti: [ikke fundet]
+ Photo Desktop-genvej: 1
+ Få ProgramW6432 miljøvariabel ...
+ OK
+ Installationssti blev ikke fundet ved hjælp af standard: 😄 \ Programfiler \ Affinity \ Photo
+ Åbning af MSI-database: Affinity.msi
+ Åbning af databasevisning: VÆLG `Værdi` FRA` Property` WHERE `Property` = 'ProductVersion'
+ OK
+ MsiViewExecute
+ OK
+ MsiViewFetch
+ OK
+ MsiRecordGetString
+ Værdi:
+ Åbning af databasevisning: VÆLG `Værdi` FRA` Property` WHERE `Property` = 'ProductCode'
+ OK
+ MsiViewExecute
+ OK
+ MsiViewFetch
+ OK
+ MsiRecordGetString
+ Value: {E0A227B9-8299-48C6 -9FB2-71140FEF82B4}
+ Installationstilstand: 1
+ IsThisVersionInstalled: False
+ Åbning af databasevisning: SELECT `Value` FRA` Property` WHERE `Property` = 'UpgradeCode'
+ OK
+ MsiViewExecute
+ OK
+ MsiViewFetch
+ OK
+ MsiRecordGetString
+ Value: {21399BDD-4C2C-4565-9426-410BDC894DA7}
+ MsiEnumRelatedProducts: SUCCESS
+ IsAnyVersionInstalled: True
+ Nuværende produktkode: {E0A227B9-8299-48C6-9FB2-71140FEF82B4}
+ ProductCode : {E0A227B9-8299-48C6-9FB2-71140FEF82B4}
+ Produktversion: 1.8.5
+ Installationstype: Opdatering
+ Initialisering af hovedvindue ...
+ OK
+ Hovedvindue indlæst
+ Kontrol af krav ...
+ OK
+ DotNetInstall: kontrol af installeret version
+ Fundet 528372
+ Skift til side: Opdatering
+ Oprettelse af InstallOperation
+ sti: 😄 \ Program Files \ Affinity \ Photo
+ WantShortcut: True
+ Anmodning om operation: SetupUI .InstallOperation
+ --------------------
+ Afventer RebootChecker
+ --------------------
+ Åbning af HKLM. ..
+ CheckRegistryKeysExist
+ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Component Based Servicing \ RebootPending: False
+ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Component Based Servicing \ RebootInProgress: False
+ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ WindowsUpdate \ Auto Update \ RebootRequired: False
+ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Component Based Servicing \ PackagesPending: Falsk
+ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ WindowsUpdate \ Auto Update \ PostRebootReporting: Falsk
+ Software \ Microsoft \ ServerManager \ CurrentRebootAttemps: Falsk
+ CheckPendingFileRenameOperations
+ PendingFileRenameOperations
+ PendingFileRenameOperations2
+ CheckRegistryValuesExist
+ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ RunOnce, DVDRebootSignal: False
+ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Netlogon, JoinDomain: False
+ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Netlogon, DVDRebootSignal: False
+ CheckRegistryValueNonZero
+ SOFTWARE : Opdater Microsoft : SOseWARE, False + CheckRegistryValueNonZero + SOFTWARE : Fejlagtig Microsoft Update
+ CheckRegistryKeyHasChildren
+ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ WindowsUpdate \ Services \ Pending: False
+ CheckComputerNameChanged
+ Resultat: False
+ Skift til side: Betjening
+ Start af MsiOperation
+ MsiOperationsresultat: 1612
+ Indstilling af resultatsidesmeddelelse: Opsætning mislykkedes
+ Skift til side: Resultat
+ Drift afsluttet
+ Hovedvindue lukket anmodet

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Many thanks for your file! This shows the following error: 

+ MsiOperation result: 1612

This occurs when the installer cannot find the MSI file for your currently installed version. The usual cause for this is a third party 'cleaning' app, such as CCLeaner, as they tend to remove/clear some of the Affinity folders, including the installer files.

Can you confirm, do you have any such app installed on your computer?

In the meantime, we'll need to manually uninstall the current version, so that you can install the latest update. Please download the below tool from Microsoft -


Once downloaded please run the tool, select Uninstalling and then Affinity Photo from the list of apps shown.
If you can't see Affinity Photo in the list, select the aptly named first option and then paste the following code in and select OK.

Depending on which version you most recently had installed, the code will be slightly different but I believe you'll require the first one below:

Once the uninstaller has completed, please visit the following link and download a fresh copy of the latest exe, then navigate to the downloaded .exe right-click on the file and select Run as Administrator, this should hopefully install the app for you as expected.

I hope this helps!

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