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Outline selection in AD

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Hi folks,

short question from a beginner (couldn't find an answer via the search function)

I want to outline some cells in an image, and and make the border e.g. 0,25 mm and in green colour. Important: I don't want to make it pixelwise (cause I dont want a "cubic" appearance a la minecraft of the outer line)

Here you can see an image I would like to select and outline a few of the cells (& make the border in color).

In general I find it hard to make some figures for scientifc need (am I the only one or is there some course for this affinity related?)

Thank you guys in advance!


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Ahh thank you very much @GarryPfor this detailed tutorial! This helped me alot!

Nice to have persons like you in this community to help "newbies" like me! :)


e: just one last question: ist it possible to make the vector you made a bit "smoother"? No hard "corners", more like a "floating" outline. You understand what I mean?

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You’re welcome.

Unfortunately I don’t know what you mean by “no hard corners” or “floating” so it’s difficult to give precise advice.
One suggestion would be to add a Gaussian Blur Effect to the outline but that would make the outline come out as a raster when exported.
Another suggestion would be to use an Outline Contour Effect but that would also be rasterised on export.
If you can give us a visual example of what you want then we should be able to advise better.

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