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AD : Need spot color to overprint

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Pantone is used for a cutting contur, actually not really printed. So the overprint is needed to avoid white space.

Yes, this was the I tried to get the overprint working. But preflight in Adobe Acrobat shows that it does not if you got CMYK lying underneath Panntone. Disabling the CMYK colors  -  like in your screen of Acrobat - leaves white space ...


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3 hours ago, MiWe said:

Disabling the CMYK colors  -  like in your screen of Acrobat - leaves white space ...

Could you upload this sample Affinity page for a closer look?

To me spot + overprint appears to work, as PDF 1.7 and PDF/X-4. Here a former test (additionally with blend modes) ...

v183 spot overprint 1.7 blend modes_no-rast.pdf
v183 spot overprint X4.pdf

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Thanks for your answers ...

No, "Simulate Overprinting" is disabled. i attached a new screenshot.

As i see your PDFs do not use any CMYK colors. I need spot colors to overprint CMYK using PDF/X-1 or  PDF/X-3.
I attached two files. A Designer file and the corresponding PDF/X-3 output, Additionaly a new screen shot.






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49 minutes ago, MiWe said:

As i see your PDFs do not use any CMYK colors. I need spot colors to overprint CMYK

Just a note (though you found the solution): The overprint function works with both. You can consider a spot color 'simply' as an additional color channel besides C, M, Y and K. You also can create for instance a CYAN as spot color which is overprinting a not-overprinting PANTONE spot color...



macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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