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Export "All Pages" ... and pages range


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Oddness in the Export dialog: Remembered field entry with invalid pages range. (versus non-remembered area selection)

1. When I export a few spreads of a multi-page document, e.g. page 120-124 and then switch to another document + open the export dialog, then the formerly typed page numbers "120-124" still exist in the "Pages" field. Even if the second document has 4 pages only the "Pages" field displays "120-124". (while my recent "Area" selection always gets reset, unfortunately)

2. When I now export without changing "120-124" I do not get the entire document of 4 pages or spreads but the first page / spread only.

Instead 1 or 2 I would expect either/or...
... an empty "Pages" field when switching to a different document (and/or a reminded Area selection, too)
... when confirming "Export" a warning / error message about an invalid "Pages" entry
... or at least the system warning sound for an invalid page range entry

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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