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I know this is widely asked question when exporting but this relates to actual use of the software. When I assign 100K for black in swatches window it shows as rich black in another panel. What am I missing? This can lead to a very expensive print mistake as the black type suffers for the same problem. Please see video. I am on desktop Mac with the latest AD

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Thank you, Lagarto. Yes, that is one way ensuring that black is 100K – However, if you use the 'black' from the set of four icons (Transparent, black, grey, white) you do not see that when you select an element meaning you have no indication of what your fill or stroke colour is as there is no high-lighted corresponding swatch. I have a global colour created as 100K black and use that. It is just very confusing to have two sets of values displayed for the same colour depending on the colour palette one picks colour from. I am not a newbie designer, forty years as a designer and in front of computer since 1988 – from Freehand to Illustrator and now AD – if it wasn't for checking the print separation on Acrobat DC, this would have been a disaster for one of my projects that went to print. Now, I have to go and change eight building plans object by object to ensure that black is 100K and it overprints. Not sure what is the thinking behind not having standard 100K black in the default colour palette. Thanks, again. 

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