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Affinity Photo - Title Blank

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The image title when importing in to Wordpress is using the .PNG template name.  If I use Fireworks the title = the saved file name.

I am using a template in .PNG called NAKIVO_Blank1 and it is using this when I export as a .jpg.

I have embed metadata enabled.

If anyone has an idea how to correct this it would be appreciated.


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If an image file has a title assigned it will be maintained when the file gets opened in APh.

If you create a file in APh and save it it will auto-get the file name as title and display it after re-opening the file.

The title will not auto-change when you re-save the file under a different file name, then you need to change the title field manually before saving.

When you export from .aphoto to a different format you have the export option to include metadata.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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