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Suggested translation workflow?

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I am a translator and want to switch from Indesign to AP - more important, I want to offer my customers an alternative. The only translation-related thread I found assumed a very special workflow without the use of CAT software.

In most cases, our current workflow is:

  1. Export INDD to IDML
  2. Import IDML into CAT software (in my case, Wordfast Pro)
  3. Translate
  4. Create translated IDML
  5. Return IDML to customer & import

This is by no means a smooth process, mainly due to IDML idiosyncrasies, but it works, sort of and with lots of grumbling involved on both sides, but we mainly use it for lack of anything better. Trying to say that this would be a domain where it would not be too hard to do better than the competition.

Now my question is: What workflow do you propose if a customer would switch from Indesign to AP? The technical snag is that most CAT tools cannot read proprietary binary files, they need some sort of (Unicode) text file, usually some "…ML" format, and I do not see that changing anytime soon. In fact, I think it is the best solution, see below.

As of 1.8.4 AP does not even have a text export format, it seems, let alone any exchange format that preserves formatting and layout and which could be re-imported into AP after the translation. The real problem, of course, is not the main "story" but the numerous text snippets flying around in "loose" text frames and artistic text. But even the main story becomes a problem if I have lots of inline symbols etc.

IMHO a solution would need to involve a text export format, and pure XML would be preferable to any "adapted" format because otherwise I would be at the mercy of the CAT provider to provide an import filter for your format. Since I work mainly on print documents I would prefer an intermediate format that preserves page integrity as much as possible (because all editing, checking, reviewing etc. follows the page paradigm); with page integrity I mean that the elements follow the geometry of the layout (as opposed to, for example, time of creation, moon phases or whatever IDML seems to use). I am on the fence about the question whether the main story should be broken into pages, preferably this would be an export option rather than a fixed setting (what works best depends very much on the type of document, more precisely on the relative importance of text content to graphical design - think "laws" vs. "flyers").

What are Serif's thoughts and plans on this sort of workflow?

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I reached this page as I am searching info on the best workflow for translations of Affinity Publisher files.

I find it a bit strange that the thread appears to stop, with no response, on this important subject matter.

A seamless import/export feature to/from xliff, xml or idml is a must. I did not find info on this in your web site.




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