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Because the sync was not done on my devices, I deleted the affinity files from iCloud. Then by reactivating everything, I was surprised to see 2 Affinity Publisher files.
They are absolutely identical. If I delete a file in one folder it gets deleted in the other.

This error only appears on my iMac. On my Macbook the folder does not appear duplicate.

Vincent Muller 

Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-22 um 09.05.27.png

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Hi vincentmuller,

Welcome to the forums :)

Unfortunately every now and then things like this tend to happen with iClouds automatic folders and the only guaranteed fix for this problem in the past has been time. As odd as it sounds in all cases of iCloud problems like this in the past the problem seems to right itself over time. Please could you wait a few days and see if one folder disappears?



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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