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Align Objects with Keystrokes

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To align a group of objects, select them and do Cmd/Ctrl  and an arrow key, up to align tops, down to align bottoms, right to align right edges, and left to align left edges.  Filemaker Pro has used this scheme in Layout mode forever, and as a Filemaker user, I find myself continuously frustrated in Affinity apps without those efficient shortcuts.  The icons for these actions are so small as to be almost unreadable, and spill off the right of the screen, requiring the user to scroll using the equally-obscure small double arrows at the upper right.  To distribute objects, change the Layer menu selection for Alignment to Distribute Objects.  With the keystrokes for alignment available, the  Alignment item would be superfluous and could be done away with.  Any time another menu level can be eliminated, the user experience improves.

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