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Colourised a couple of black and white photos. Affinity files attached for side view before and after and another that I was pretty happy with. The two side views do not work well and I believe it to be combination of issues beginning with my lack of knowledge and ending with the source information been scanned forty year old pictures. As you can see the middle area of car is poor and back area is striped.

Any ideas to solve appreciated.

NB: Know I need to refine edges on all three examples. Just needed to get best result overall first. Also have added a picture of car showing correct body colour at Brands Hatch.

Rapport_Forte_-_Side_view_BW_(1)_(1000_x_501)_-_Colorized.afphoto Rapport Forte_1980-Colorized.afphoto Rapport_Forte_-_Side_view_-_Colorized.afphoto


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You might get a better result converting your black and white image to Lab, and then painting the brown body color of the car onto the a and b channels directly (they will be shades of gray in the a and b channels, but will combine to make the brown color in the composite).  You can make a color patch in the document with the correct brown color and then, when you view the a channel for example, sample the patch with the dropper tool to get the correct grayscale tone that is present in the brown color and paint into the body area of the car.  To make the job easier, create a mask on the brown body paint layer that isolates the painting to just the body work, then you do not have to be too careful with your painting.  You can even just fill the a and b channels of the layer with the correct gray tone and then apply the mask.

The idea is that the detail in the black and white image is pushed into the L channel, and the color is then applied to the a and b channels to get the composite look you want.


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