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Picture changes when saving afphoto to jpeg


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Found a fix but this is just so that you know and if someone has the same problem.

Edited HDR-merged picture on my Windows 10 desktop and after the changes i saved the file and  transferred the image to my 12.9" 1st gen iPad Pro for last touches before sharing to Instagram.

When i had done all the needed changes on my iPad i shared the picture but the quality was quite bad (clouds blown out to white with no contrast and some other parts had other problems) and had to quickly delete the pic from instagram.

After this i tried to export it to other formats but all had similar problems and flattening the image did also nothing.

Did not find any good tips on Google either so thought to try and find the problem.

I started to play with the ICC settings and after i dublicated the problem with these settings (had originally when doing changes at -2 and 1) i decided to set them both to 0 and make the needed changes in Develop persona.

After these changes i tried to export again and now the picture looks just like it should.

Not sure if this is user error and those ICC profiles should work like that but decided to share if someone else has the same problems.

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