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editing imported pdf crashes the program


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I open a pdf file that has the information of an adobe illustrator file, for example the one attached. Then I press "edit file" (not exactly sure of the wording, using it in german) since I want to edit the .ai file and affinity designer just stops responding. 

It works with other pdf files, for example the second one I attached. I don't know what the difference could be.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

3339-queen-weightlifting-tshirt-PR.pdf StickIllustration.pdf

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Hi sebo,

Could you attach a screen recording showing the steps you're taking that give this error please? 

I've tried the two files myself using File > Open in Affinity and they're opening without issue. You do mention 'Edit File' so I had assumed you may have placed them using File > Place - however this is also working without an issue for me.

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