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Affinity Designer can't visualize character movement? (video sample)

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Nowhere in Affinity Designer can I find character-level letter manipulation anywhere. I don't mean the Character - Positioning and Transform table. This is suitable for normal kerning, although still a very clumsy and slow way.
I want the possibility of horizontal and vertical shift of the character in Artistic Text Tools. Just like I show in the video.
Is this possible in AD? And I don't mean conversion to curves.
Because if he can't make such a small change for a few seconds, I'll do it relatively uncomfortably and for a long time.

The source is from Corel and I understand I'm soaked with it (25 years of work). Affinity has many perfect techniques and ways, but I haven't worked out this basic technique for me.

Thank you very much for your guidance and answers.


Video example from CorelDraw: 



Edited by Moddo
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Thank you for the comprehensive answers. But as @Palatino writes, it is still very cumbersome and the function is probably lacking for more workers. I haven't researched it yet, but wouldn't it be appropriate to include it in requests for new features? If someone hasn't delivered there before.

To the existing function, it is good that this can be achieved. But I can't really imagine one of my older projects where I had to manipulate words, letters into the shape of an image. :)

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