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Dear developer,

thanks for your Affinity Suite in general. I use all 3 products of Affinity Suite.

But I am again and again missing a function I know from other apps (Maya, Corel,...) >>> "repeat last command" <<<
It would include whatever function(command) is called last (move, scale, tint, align...copy, remove...)


For example: I aligned 2 objects to the right side. With that action in mind, I select 2 other objects, which also need to be aligned to the right side >>> repeat last <<< done via shortcut saves so much time and prevents remembering where the menu was and moving your eyes away from the objects you are modifying currently. More focused work.


PS: I found 3 years old post/request for that feature. That's why I started this new post, hoping it will push this "idea" which just saves time in the workflow

Affinity Designer | Affinity Photo | Affinity Publisher

macOS Sierra 10.13.6;
MacBookPro (13 inch, Early 2015); 3.1 GHz i7 CPU; 16 GB RAM

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