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You can do it in either program, using Pen tool or Shape tools. Designer is ideal for this task as it has more capabilities to work with vector graphics. Below I use Designer. Pen tool takes a little bit of practice to get curves perfected, but well worth it to learn the tool. It is helpful to draw on sketch form first with as clean of lines as possible, as large as possible (avoid thumbnail) so that when you scan over, you can use it as a template.

Another trick, sometimes much easier for these types of curves, you can use oval/circle tool and other shape tools. For example, draw your circle/oval, overlay on the first curve and "cut out" using Subtract using a throw-away shape..... You can then use Pen tool to create throw-away shape to "snip" any "distenders".

For more detailed look into this, look up Von Glitschka. He has a very detailed book on this, as well as a Lynda//LinkedIn course, though his is mastery is to point of illustration-level. He is also focused on logos/general design. You can get away with using shape tools and using "throw away" shapes to cut away to get the curves you need from those larger ovals... you would do a series of shapes and "throw aways" to alter the original shapes, keep "grouping"/merging those shapes and cutting away until you get your final shape..  in fact, this is often best practice, because you get the "clearest" results. Harder to explain in writing... so here is quick video...

My example is not the most precise/cleanest, but it's just to show the general idea of cutting away from a larger shape to get to your final. Using pen tool to edit those final shapes by either adding extra shapes, or making throw aways (sacrificial shapes for subtract step). it's important to have snapping off and any guides off during these steps. Or, at least reduce it to a level where it won't get in the way except when you need certain cuts made.


Anyway, this is in the wrong forum. No problem, it happens. A mod will move the post where it should go?

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