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Stroke and Opacity, Affinity Designer on iPad

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Hello everyone,

I have just noticed something that I find puzzling. I have a curve with different background and stroke colors, containing another curve. I have duplicated this shape so that I have it twice. On the left, I have unchecked the inner curve so that only the outer curve is shown:



Now, if I change the opacity of both curves, here is what happens:



As you can see, on the right, the area of the stroke that is outside the node path has the correct opacity, where the area “inside” the node path somehow “blends” the color of the stroke and the color of the background. This does not apply on the curve that do not have a child.

Is this expected? I would have thought the shape on the right would look like that on the left, with the addition of the inner shape.

If it can helps, I have attached the afdesign document to this thread.

Thanks! 👍


Stroke and Opacity.afdesign

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Hi @Alewan,

Thanks for your report and I'm sorry to see you're having trouble! I can confirm I've replicated this issue on both the iPad and desktop version of Affinity Designer, so I'll get this logged with our developers now.

I suspect this is happening due to the nested object having 100% opacity and the app is seeming 'tripping up' when trying to calculate the opacity of the inside of the stoke.

We hope to have this fixed asap, many thanks for you patience and understanding here :)

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